CPU (Central Processing Unit)


  • It's a microprocessor chip developed by Intel, AMD or any other company.
  • CPU speed depends upon the clock frequency, higher the clock frequency more number of instructions can be executed per second.
  • Clock frequency is measured in MHz or GHz.
  • CPU word size is the largest number of bits that can be handled by CPU in one clock cycle. It is either 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 bit.
  • This word size value determines number of bit processor i.e. 8-bit processor, 16-bit processor, 32 bit processor etc.
  • CPU performance also depends upon the RAM, bus speed and cache size as well.
  • Called as heart of the computer.

Block Diagram


  • CPU consists of three basic units: control unit, Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) and memory unit.
  • Input is given through the input devices to CPU.
  • Control unit controls communication within ALU and memory unit.
  • Decides which circuit is to be activated.
  • For reading instruction it uses Fetch-execute mechanism.
  • Control unit gets instruction from memory.
  • Control unit decides what to do of that instruction and transfers it to the ALU.
  • ALU performs various arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and logical operations like AND, OR, NOT, NAND etc. on that instruction.
  • Results of ALU are stored in the memory or resistor for its further operations.
  • After completing the instruction, stored results are passed to the output devices.
  • To synchronize all these operations CPU uses its own system clock.

What it does?

  • Executes stored instructions called as program.
  • Tells rest of the computer system what to do.
  • Executes arithmetic calculation and data manipulation.
  • Holds data and instruction which are in the current use.
  • Responsible for storing and retrieving information on disks and other media.