ROM (Read Only Memory)


  • A memory storage device, whose contents can be read and accessed but cannot be modified, so the name Read Only Memory.


  • Also called as non-volatile memory.
  • Holds the permanent programs to tell system how to use circuit board.
  • Data is not lost even the computer is switched off or power failure.
  • Data in this memory is read only.

Types of ROM

MROM (Mask-programmed ROM):
  • It is programmed at the factory.
  • Program or data is permanently installed at the time of manufacturing.
PROM (Programmable ROM):
  • Can be custom-programmed by the user only once using special circuitry PROM programmer.
  • This circuit uses high voltages to permanently eliminate or create inner links.
EPROM (Erasable-Programmable ROM):
  • Can be programmed by the user using strong ultraviolet light and special circuitry.
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable PROM):
  • Can be erased and reprogrammed by electrical signals.
  • Manufacturing process is complex and expensive.
  • Rarely used.